James R. Thompson, Executive Editor

Are we getting too political? By “we” I mean Paperitalo Publications. It is a genuine concern—when I look back over the topics of the last few months, I see a lot of discussion of political matters affecting the pulp and paper industry. My personal rationalization is that these are some of the most astounding political times since perhaps Franklin Roosevelt’s first administration in 1933. In those days, there was a sea change in political philosophy not only in the United States but around the world (The Third Reich took over Germany at the same time). The outcome of all the changes of that time have affected the populations of the world permanently ever since. Now, 76 years later, we seem to be experiencing a similar level of upheaval, perhaps even a greater one. But back to my question, are we getting too political at Paperitalo Publications. Please email me at
jthompson@taii.com with your thoughts. Put “Politics” in the subject line, please.