Mondi has made good progress on the previously announced €20 million investment programme at its Neusiedler uncoated fine paper mills (Austria). The full benefit of the upgrades is expected from the first quarter of 2025, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased energy efficiency and operational safety.
The programme includes four key projects at the Kematen pulp and paper mill: rebuild of the recovery boiler and associated infrastructure to increase energy efficiency and improve overall performance; upgrade of the pulp dryer from gas burners for air heating to steam heat exchangers to eliminate emissions and further improve safety; installation of a new steam accumulator to balance fluctuations in steam demand which improves efficiency and turbine performance; and revamp of the steam turbine with a new rotor to increase electricity production. Additional enhancements include a new steam system and heat recovery at the paper machine, and winder optimisation to improve customer reel output.
The programme also included upgrades at the Theresienthal site to improve the efficiency of the paper machine's steam and condensate system, increase automation in the additive kitchen, and introduce a refined winder concept.