Lecta Publishes it 2020 Environmental Report
SPAIN (News release) -- Lecta has published its new 2020 Environmental Report, highlighting actions and improvements carried out over the last two years. As a responsible company firmly committed to sustainability, minimizing our environmental footprint is one of our main objectives. In a year marked by the devastating impact of the pandemic and the consequent loss of production efficiency, the new report shows how the primary environmental goals of this period were still achieved. It further defines new commitments for the future and an overall goal to return to the extraordinarily positive trends in our environmental parameters prior to COVID-19. The report also underscores the considerable organizational effort made in response to the pandemic to ensure to the greatest degree possible the health and safety of everyone who is part of Lecta, while maintaining operations and service to our customers, who serve essential market segments. New environmental improvement projects and investments, totaling more than 89 million euros over the last ten years, will allow Lecta to continue making progress in making its manufacturing processes more efficient and optimizing its responsible use of natural resources. In addition, our constant search for new innovative products and solutions based on natural, renewable raw materials enables Lecta to firmly renew our commitment to creating a more sustainable world. Lecta's new Environmental Report is available in English in the Sustainability section at www.lecta.com for all customers, suppliers, employees and stakeholders interested in learning more about our progress.