ATLANTA (News release) -- Georgia-Pacific has been awarded on the Forbes list of America's Best Large Employers 2024. This prestigious award is presented by Forbes and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. The awards list was announced on February 13 and can be viewed on the Forbes website.
America's Best Large Employers have been identified in an independent survey from a vast sample of over 170,000 U.S. employees working for companies employing more than 5,000 people within the U.S.
The final score is based on two types of evaluations:
- Personal - Given by employees themselves, also known as direct evaluations.
- Public - Given by friends and family members of employees, or members of the public who work in the same industry - also known as indirect evaluations, with a much higher weighting for personal evaluations.
Statista publishes hundreds of worldwide industry rankings and company listings with high-profile media partners. This research and analysis service is based on the success of, the leading data and business intelligence portal that provides statistics, relevant business data, and various market and consumer studies and surveys.
"Being recognized on the Forbes list of America's Best Large Employers is a tremendous honor and a testament to the hard work and dedication of our employees," said Megan Sirna, senior vice president of Human Resources, Georgia-Pacific. "Our employees and culture are the driving force behind our success. We are proud to have such a talented and committed team that makes Georgia-Pacific a great place to work."